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Как могут производители гарантировать высокое качество продукции

Как могут производители гарантировать высокое качество продукции

Чтобы добиться высокого качества продукции необходимо следить за показателями, такими как физический состав компонента и характеристика товара. В этом вам могут помочь люди и программы. Гарантировать качество продукции помогут тесты проверки качества и инспекции, компьютерные программы. Следить за качеством  можно с помощью составления графиков и диаграмм, отмечать на линейных графиках соответствие качества товара заявленным стандартам.

Таким образом, производители могут гарантировать качество и характеристики своей продукции, если они следят за ней надлежащим образом.

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How can manufacturers guarantee product quality?

When you are in the manufacturing business, you want to make sure that you produce a high level of quality in everything that you make! There are many different ways to ensure the quality of products, which range from the physical composition components of the product to the actual product performance itself. Don't get overwhelmed when you start to think about ensuring quality control - there are a couple of different ways that you can ensure the quality of products, and there are a lot of people and programs which can help you.

Quality control tests and inspections are a great way to help guarantee the quality of your products.You can have a live inspector or tester come to your company to perform an audit. However, with the development of technology, you might also be able to have an automated inspection. The option of an automated inspection or test depends on the type of industry and testing that you need completed. In circumstances where smell, texture, appearance, and product performance are important, live inspectors will need to be used.

Computer software is another way that can help you to ensure the quality of your products.Software providers could help to manage the manufacturers' product quality. Software is especially helpful in working when you need to increase your product performance.

Charts and graphs can also help in the process of increasing the quality of products, because they can be constantly referred to and modified as you achieve your different goals of quality control.You can map out whether the products are meeting quality specifications. For example, you can make a line graph to show the current quality or performance of your products, and to show how close they are to the target goal you would like to have.

So, the manufactures could guarantee a product quality if they would ensure the product quality and performance.

Learn some useful phrases from the text

 product performance
 характеристика товара
 perform an audit
 проводить аудит
 внешний вид
 компьютерная программа
 software provider
 поставщик программного обеспечения
 блок-схема, диаграмма, график
 диаграмма, график
 map out
 quality specification
 стандарт качества
 line graph
 линейный график
 target goal
 поставленная, намеченная цель
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