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Эффективные и проверенные способы мотивации персонала

Эффективные и проверенные способы мотивации персонала

 Работника нужно вовлечь в жизнь компании, предоставлять полную информацию о продукции, доходах, расходах, чтобы он активно принимал участие в важных решениях и новых предложениях.

 Окружение на рабочем месте должно быть спокойным, доверительным. Персоналу также нужно время для отдыха и празднований, например по поводу успеха компании, отдела или человека. Начальству следует всегда помнить, что правильно мотивированный персонал – это залог успеха компании.

Read the following text

The best ways of staff motivation

Some employers may find it difficult to encourage staffs to give of their best commitment at work. Some employers may overlook the power of motivating employees is too evident in the company's bottom line.

The following 11 ways could help you to motivate employees:

1. Personal thanks
A simple "thank you" employees for doing a good job - one on one, in writing, or both, still goes a long way in motivating employees. Do it timely, often and sincerely.

2. Give praise in public
Acknowledge an employee's achievements in a public forum such as a staff meeting. This is great for the individual's morale and motivational to others.

3. Promote two-way communication
Maintain an open-door policy; employees who feel comfortable communicating with supervisors are more inspired to deliver their best work.

4. Feedback and respond
Provide specific feedback or give respond on performance of the person, the department and the organization.

5. Tailor your reward
Recognition can be formal, such as starting an "Employee of the Month" program, face-to-face compliment or thank-you note. Learn what works best for each individual and acknowledge his or her accomplishments accordingly.

6. Happy environment
Strive to create a work environment that is open, trusting and fun. Encourage new ideas and initiatives.

7.Keep updated
Provide information on how the company makes and loses money, upcoming products and strategies for competing in the marketplace, and how the person fits into the overall plan.

8. High involvement
Involve employees in decisions, especially those decisions that affect them.

9. Sense of ownership
Provide employees with a sense of ownership in their work and the work environment.

10. Employees' development
Give people a chance to grow and learn new skills; show them how you can help them meet their goals within the context of meeting the organization's goals.

11. Celebration
Celebrate successes of the company, of the department and of individuals in it. Take time for team-and morale-building meetings and activities.

A motivated staff is the cornerstone of quality customer service and product innovation. By acknowledging your employees' achievements, you let them know their contributions are integral to the organization's success.

Learn some useful phrases from the text

  to encourage
 не заметить, не обратить внимание
 bottom line
 ключевой, основной момент
 one on one
 с глазу на глаз
 open-door policy
 политика открытых дверей
 feedback and respond
 отзывы и предложения
 tailor a reward
 придумать вознаграждение
 to strive
 приложить усилия
 затрагивать интересы, нравиться
 сплачивание коллектива
 воспитательная работа
 основа, фундамент
 вклад, работа
 неотделимый, неотъемлемый
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