Бренды имеют значение, потому что они влияют на людей. Бренд – это в первую очередь обещание покупателям, и только потом совокупность логотипов, слов, образов, дизайна. Брендовая вещь, например, как Ipad или Iphone оставляет особый отпечаток и говорит многое о людях купивших ее.
Бренды всегда помогут Вам увеличить доход и повысить уникальность Ваших товаров или услуг. Если Вы желаете придумать свой бренд, то он должен быть запоминающимся, мотивировать покупателя и усиливать его доверие.
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Why do brands matter?
In one sense, a brand is a promise. Think of some top brands and you immediately know what they promise: McDonald’s, Coca Cola, Apple, Ford, Samsung, Nike. Brands matter because consumers know what they’re going to get with a well-branded product or service. So this means that brands instill trust in the minds of consumers. Brands provide trust and reduce risk in the decision making process.
In another sense, a brand is a specific combination of logo, words, type font, design, colors, personality, price, service, etc.
The promise, look, personality and attributes can eventually acquire a special patina. Buying a certain brand says something about the person who buys it. Apple has that patina and also it lead to sub-brands, like iPhone and iPad which acquire the aura of the parent brand. It takes a lot of time, money and very hard work to build and maintain great brands like that, brands that can speak volumes in just a few syllables.
In a competitive world, branding is one way of helping you increase sales and at the same time protect and extend the uniqueness of your service or product.
Your brand tells your story and helps attract new customers and keeps the ones you already have.
If you’re going to develop your brand, the last thing you want to do is follow the beaten path. You need to head down your own road and to plant your brand in the hearts and minds of prospects and customers and your brand will become memorable. Your brand is the focus of all your marketing efforts.
A goodbrand:
- delivers its message clearly
- confirms the credibility of the message
- connects to its audience emotionally
- motivates the buyer
- reinforces loyalty
Brands matter, because they work.
Learn some useful phrases from the test
- to instill trust
- внушать доверие
- to reduce risk
- уменьшать риск
- a special patina
- особый отпечаток
- to acquire the aura of the parent brand
- получить ауру родительского бренда
- speak volumes
- говорить о многом
- competitive world
- конкурирующий мир
- protect and extend the uniqueness
- сохранить и увеличить уникальность
- to follow the beaten path
- идти по избитому пути
- to head down your own road
- выбрать свою собственную дорогу
- to plant in the hearts and minds
- найти путь к сердцам и мыслям
- a focus
- центр
- marketing efforts
- маркетинговая деятельность
- to confirm the credibility
- подтвердить надежность информации
- to reinforce loyalty
- усиливать доверие