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Советы для проведения удачных бизнес переговоров

Советы для проведения удачных бизнес переговоров

В бизнесе переговоры играют большую роль, поэтому крайне важно проводить грамотные переговоры, которые не ущемляли бы ничьих интересов. Для себя нужно выбрать четкую позицию и понять чего именно Вы хотите, быть уверенным, установить ограничения, на которые Вы не согласитесь. Человек, ведущий деловые переговоры, никогда не должен воспринимать их исход (особенно неудачу) чересчур драматически и ни в коем случае — как что-то личное.

   Основными элементами успешных переговоров являются: подготовка к переговорам, концентрация на проблеме, обладание навыком выслушивания, и самое главное – умение вовремя отступить.

Read the following text.

Tips for successful business negotiations

Negotiation is a technique employed to avoid conflicts and decide something which would benefit all. Individuals negotiate with each other and try to reach to a solution satisfying all. Good negotiation abilities remain vital for any entrepreneur. We have compiled some tips to help you navigate negotiations successfully.

1. Know what you want
It is vital that you go into the negotiation with a clear understanding of exactly what you want to get out of it. Make sure that you understand the potential implications of all the potential outcomes.

2. If you don't ask...
Timidity is not much of a qualification for negotiation. The old adage is true: if you don’t ask, you won’t get. The best negotiators are those who are able to explain their wants in a way that makes them also seem sensible and desirable to the other party.

3. Set your 'red lines'
There are likely to be some positions that you will not be willing to compromise. Regardless, it is important that you identify your red lines in advance.

4. Listen
Much of the skill of good negotiation is in determining what it is that the other party wants, what their limits are, and what they are likely to be willing to cede. In order to work these things out, you need to be prepared to listen to as hard as you bargain.

5. Stick to the problem
Make sure that you stick to the problem at hand, and that you avoid any tendency for proceedings to get personal. Keep calm, and try not to take difficult negotiations as an affront.

6. Learn when to walk away
Finally, it is vital that you understand when it is in your interest to simply abandon the negotiation altogether. Keep in mind that there will always be other opportunities, and don’t get panicked into agreeing to something with which you are not comfortable.

Learn some useful phrases from the text

 приносить пользу, быть выгодным
 составлять, собирать
 неуверенность, нерешительность
 red line
 несмотря ни на что
 in advance
 заранее, наперед
 заключить сделку
 не отвлекаться, сконцентрироваться
 оскорбление, унижение
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