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Преподаватели английского языка

Tina S.


Стаж: 15 лет
Сертификаты: CELTA, FINRA
Уроков: 174


  • Business English
  • English for Specific Purposes.
Tina S.

Hi, I'm Tina. From 1974-1980, I began undergraduate studies at Stanford University in the Department of Art History and finished my Bachelor of Arts degree at Moore College of Art in Philadelphia. From 1983-2003, I conducted graduate work intermittently at New York University. Concurrently, I received certification to trade in the security industry and worked as a trading representative on Wall Street with leaders in the field.

In 2010 I received a CELTA Certificate from the Accademia Britannica (Rome) which certified me to teach English. Since then, I have acquired significant experience in teaching English, writing and controlled speech skills in particular, as well as opportunities to work as an International Business English Consultant with a spectrum of professionals regarding a wide variety of projects, particularly speeches (United Nations, Vienna) and presentations (Conferences in Geneva, Zurich, London, Amsterdam and Brussels). I have also become a published author.

In direct connection with my skills for teaching English, in the last five to six years, I have been able to accumulate a great deal of experience teaching English grammar, conversation, vocabulary, and pronunciation to a broad range of individuals from all over the world and in virtually all age groups, i.e., from children to mature individuals. I enjoy diversity and the growth that usually accompanies this kind of consistent communication.

In terms of my style, I am a flexible, open-minded índividual who appreciates challenge and curiosity in all its forms, i.e., from interacting with children who are curious about English and hear their English terminology for the first time, to preparing young adults for language exams (TOEFL, IELTS, CFE) or professionals who need to get a certication (CFA), and to assisting mature indviduals in maintaining their English skills and aiding them in staying in the the flow of this language with engaging conversation classes. What I like to say to all of my students at the beginning of our session is, “Let´s get started!”

Concerning my personal interests, I am currently writing a book about the Austrian artist, Gustav Klimt, which includes in-depth discussion regarding Austrian Art Restitution Law. In my spare time, I have been enjoying traveling throughout Austria, Italy, and Croatia.

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