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Memorial Day (Intermediate)


День Поминовения (англ. Memorial Day) — национальный день памяти США, отмечающийся ежегодно в последний понедельник мая. Этот день посвящён памяти американских военнослужащих, погибших во всех войнах и вооружённых конфликтах, в которых США когда-либо принимали участие.

Сегодня в стране вспоминают погибших во Второй мировой войне, везде приспущены флаги, проходят траурные церемонии, патриотические акции с маршами под духовые оркестры. Люди собираются семьями, чтобы вспомнить о близких, ушедших из этого мира. А что знаете вы о Дне Памяти в США?

Discuss the following questions:

Do you know what Memorial Day is?

Do you have similar holidays in your country?


There are always many exciting things going on in Bethesda and D.C. during Memorial Day weekend which has been dedicated since 1868 to honoring those who gave their lives while serving in the U.S. army

Read an article and find out interesting facts about Memorial Day

Every year on the last Monday of May in the USA the national holiday - Memorial Day - is celebrated. On this day, Americans pay tribute to those who died in all wars, armed conflicts and to all deceased citizens of the United States of America.

Originally a day of remembrance for those killed in the service of the people of America was known as Decoration Day (Decoration Day). Women of the South decorated the graves of the dead with flowers, wreaths, flags.

5 may 1868 by order No. 11, General John Logan, national commander of the Old Army of the Republic, officially proclaimed May 30 the Memorial Day. The General personally led the solemn ceremony of laying wreaths on the graves of fallen Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington national cemetery. In 1971 Congress passed a law according to which Memorial Day is now celebrated not on May 30th, but on the last Monday of May.

In 1873 New York was the first state to officially recognize the holiday. By the end of the 19th century Memorial Day was celebrated almost all over the country.

Several cities claim to be the origin of a holiday, but it is difficult to determine the place of origin of Memorial Day. For American citizens it is important that the holiday is based and the memory of the fallen citizens unites all Americans.

According to the tradition of Memorial Day the President of the United States delivers a speech and lays a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown soldier at Arlington cemetery in Washington. Members of the armed forces of America volley celebratory salute of small arms.

On the main street of Washington there is a parade. There are half-mast national flags until noon throughout the country. At three o’clock throughout the United States a minute of silence is held.

Answer the questions:

Who do Americans pay tribute to?

Which state was the first to officially recognize the holiday?

How do Americans honour their deceased citizens?


Watch the videos on Memorial Day in the USA

The History of Memorial Day

Memorial Day for Kids

Discuss the following:

How do you pay tribute to the deceased citizens / soldiers in your country?

Do you have similar holidays?

Do you have the tradition of laying wreaths or shooting fireworks?

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