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Independence Day (Elementary)


4 июля является национальным праздником США. В этот день в 1776 году была подписана Декларации независимости США от Королевства Великобритании. День независимости США (англ. Independence Day) считается днём рождения Соединенных Штатов как свободной и независимой страны. Как отмечают этот праздник американцы, и почему он им так важен?

Warm up activity

Do you celebrate Independence Day in your country?

Do you know how they celebrate it in the USA?


The U.S. flag is above a portrait of George Washington above a depiction of a naval battle of the War of 1812 (with slogan "Don't give up the Ship")

Read an article and find out interesting facts about Independence Day

From 1776 to the present day, the date "July 4" for Americans is the most important event of the year - the birthday of American independence. It's not just a holiday, it is a great national celebration. On this day, all the country is full of stars and stripes, every house, shop, office and restaurant is decorated with symbols of the United States.

Independence day is a family holiday. Many families organize various picnics or a barbecue in the backyard. In city squares and in the parks there is a large number of people dressed in the colors of the national flag. Local residents display the American flag on the roofs of houses, all to the sound of Patriotic music.

The statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom of the United States, so on this day it is very difficult to get to the island of freedom, because the number of applicants increases significantly.

Modern Americans call this holiday “the Fourth of July”. On this day all institutions, government and financial institutions don’t work, and public transport operates according to a special schedule. Thus worldwide on this day international transfers do not work.

This great event is celebrated on a large scale, under the open sky and with a full swing. Various trade fairs, shows, sports competitions, parades are organized, and it ends late in the evening under the thunder of salutes and fireworks. Fireworks showed on this day surpass those of the celebration of Christmas.

If July 4 falls on a weekend or holiday, the celebration is extended until Monday, so many Americans plan a little trip across the country or visit relatives at this weekend.

Answer the questions:

What do Americans decorate their houses with?

What is considered to be a symbol of freedom in the country?

What entertaining events are held through the country?


Watch the videos on Independence Day in the US

US: parades and fireworks for Independence Day

Calendar Days: Independence Day - 4th of July History

Discuss the following:

How do people in your country celebrate this holiday?

Do you have any traditions connected with decorating houses / streets?

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